Papers (Google Scholar, DBLP)

  1. An Empirical Study of False Negatives and Positives of Static Code Analyzers From the Perspective of Historical Issues
    Han Cui, Menglei Xie, Ting Su, Chengyu Zhang, Shin Hwei Tan
    pdf (under review)

  2. BinPRE: Enhancing Field Inference in Binary Analysis Based Protocol Reverse Engineering
    Jiayi Jiang, Xiyuan Zhang, Chengcheng Wan, Haoyi Chen, Haiying Sun, Ting Su
    31th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
    CCS 2024, pdf, full version, tool.

  3. General and Practical Property-based Testing for Android Apps
    Yiheng Xiong, Ting Su, Jue Wang, Jingling Sun, Geguang Pu, Zhendong Su
    39th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
    ASE 2024, pdf, tool.

  4. FIPSER: Improving Fairness Testing of DNN by Seed Prioritization
    Junwei Chen, Yueling Zhang, Lingfeng Zhang, Min Zhang, Chengcheng Wan, Ting Su, Geguang Pu
    39th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
    ASE 2024, pdf.

  5. Finding and Understanding Defects in Static Analyzers by Constructing Automated Oracles
    Weigang He, Peng Di, Mengli Ming, Chengyu Zhang, Ting Su, Shijie Li, Yulei Sui
    ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    FSE 2024, pdf, tool.

  6. Highlights: Our work has found 38 unique defects in Clang Static Analyzer (CSA), GCC Static Analyzer (GSA), and Pinpoint.

  7. Property-based Testing for Validating User Privacy-Related Functionalities in Social Media Apps
    Jingling Sun, Ting Su, Jun Sun, Jianwen Li, Mengfei Wang, Geguang Pu
    ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    FSE 2024 (industry track), pdf, tool.

  8. Highlights: Our work has found several user privacy leakage in Instgram (from Meta), X (Twitter) and Bilibili.

  9. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Deep Learning Models for Foundational Program Analysis Tasks
    Qian Chen, Chenyang Yu, Ruyan Liu, Chi Zhang, Yu Wang, Ke Wang, Ting Su, Linzhang Wang
    ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
    SPLASH/OOPSLA 2024, pdf

  10. Automata-based Trace Analysis for Aiding Diagnosing GUI Testing Tools for Android
    Enze Ma#, Shan Huang#, Weigang He, Ting Su*, Jue Wang, Huiyu Liu, Geguang Pu, Zhendong Su
    ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    FSE 2023, pdf, tool [CCF-A]
    (#Equal Contribution)

  11. Property-based Fuzzing for Finding Data Manipulation Errors in Android Apps
    Jingling Sun, Ting Su*, Jiayi Jiang, Jue Wang, Geguang Pu*, Zhendong Su
    ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    FSE 2023, pdf, tool [CCF-A].

  12. Understanding the Reproducibility Issues of Monkey for GUI Testing
    Huiyu Liu, Qichao Kong, Jue Wang*, Ting Su and Haiying Sun*
    The Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications
    SETTA 2023, pdf, [CCF-C]

  13. Effectively Finding ICC-related Bugs in Android Apps via Reinforcement Learning
    Guo Hui, Ting Su*, Xiaoqiang Liu*, Siyi Gu, Jingling Sun
    The 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
    ISSRE 2023, pdf, [CCF-B]

  14. An Empirical Study of Functional Bugs in Android Apps
    Yiheng Xiong, Mengqian Xu, Ting Su*, Jingling Sun, Jue Wang, He Wen, Geguang Pu*, Jifeng He, Zhendong Su
    32th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
    ISSTA 2023, pdf, dataset [CCF-A].

  15. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award

  16. ODDFUZZ: Discovering Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities via Structure-Aware Directed Greybox Fuzzing
    Sicong Cao, Biao He, Xiaobing Sun, Yu Ouyang, Chao Zhang, Xiaoxue Wu, Ting Su, Lili Bo, Bin Li, Chuanlei Ma, Jiajia Li, Tao Wei
    44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
    S&P 2023, pdf [CCF-A].

  17. Characterizing and Finding System Setting-Related Defects in Android Apps
    Jingling Sun, Ting Su*, Kai Liu, Chao Peng, Zhao Zhang, Geguang Pu*, Tao Xie, Zhendong Su
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2023 (Impact Factor: 6.520), pdf, SetDroid/SetChecker [CCF-A].

  18. Highlights: Our work (SetDroid and SetChecker) helped find 59 confirmed bugs (31 have already been fixed) in Douyin (TikTok). SetDroid has been integrated into ByteDance's official app testing infrastructure FastBot for daily testing.

  19. Test Report Generation for Android App Testing via Heterogeneous Data Analysis
    Chunrong Fang*, Shengcheng Yu, Ting Su*, Jing Zhang, Yuanhan Tian, Yang Liu
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2023 (Impact Factor: 6.520), pdf, [CCF-A].

  20. Influential Global and Local Contexts Guided Trace Representation for Fault Localization
    Zhuo Zhang, Yan Lei, Ting Su, Meng Yan, Xiaoguang Mao, Yue Yu
    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 2022 (Impact Factor: 2.674), pdf, [CCF-A].

  21. Fastbot2: Reusable Automated Model-based GUI Testing for Android Enhanced by Reinforcement Learning
    Zhengwei Lv, Chao Peng*, Zhao Zhang, Ting Su*, Kai Liu, Ping Yang
    37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
    ASE 2022 (industry track), pdf, [CCF-A].

  22. Highlights: Fastbot2 has been deployed in the CI pipeline at ByteDance, and over 50% of the developer-fixed crash bugs were reported by Fastbot2.

  23. Detecting Non-crashing Functional Bugs in Android Apps via Deep-State Differential Analysis
    Jue Wang, Yanyan Jiang, Ting Su, Shaohua Li, Chang Xu, Jian Lu, Zhendong Su
    ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    ESEC/FSE 2022, pdf, [CCF-A].

  24. Detecting and Fixing Data Loss Issues in Android Apps
    Wunan Guo, Zhen Dong, Liwei Shen, Wei Tian, Ting Su, Xin Peng
    31th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
    ISSTA 2022, pdf, iFixDataloss [CCF-A].

  25. Fully Automated Functional Fuzzing of Android Apps for Detecting Non-Crashing Logic Bugs
    Ting Su*, Yichen Yan, Jue Wang, Jingling Sun, Yiheng Xiong, Geguang Pu, Ke Wang, Zhendong Su
    ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
    SPLASH/OOPSLA 2021, pdf, talk video, Genie [CCF-A].

  26. Highlights: The first fully-automated GUI fuzzing technique to tackle the oracle problem in general for Andorid apps.

  27. Benchmarking Automated GUI Testing for Android against Real-World Bugs
    Ting Su*, Jue Wang, Zhendong Su
    29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    ESEC/FSE 2021, pdf, talk video, Themis [CCF-A].

  28. Highlights: (1) The first ground-truth empirical evaluation of automated GUI testing for Android (after ten years' continuous research by our community since 2011!).
    (2) Our artifact received the Available, Functional, Reusable badge.

  29. Understanding and Finding System Setting-Related Defects in Android Apps
    Jingling Sun, Ting Su, Junxin Li, Zhen Dong, Geguang Pu*, Tao Xie, Zhendong Su
    30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
    ISSTA 2021, pdf, SetDroid [CCF-A].

  30. Highlights: (1) Our technique successfully detected 17 previously unknown bugs in WeChat, QQMail, TikTok, CapCut, and AlipayHK (all these apps have billions of monthly-active users).
    (2) Our artifact received the Available, Functional, Reusable badge.

  31. ReCDroid+: Automated end-to-end crash reproduction from bug reports for Android apps
    Yu Zhao, Ting Su, Yang Liu, Wei Zheng, Xiaoxue Wu, Ramakanth Kavuluru, William Halfond, Tingting Yu
    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 2021 (Impact Factor: 2.674), [CCF-A].

  32. Feedback-Guided Circuit Structure Mutation for Testing Hardware Model Checkers
    Chengyu Zhang, Minquan Sun, Jianwen Li, Ting Su, Geguang Pu
    40th International Conference On Computer Aided Design
    ICCAD 2021, [CCF-B].

  33. Why My App Crashes? Understanding and Benchmarking Framework-specific Exceptions of Android apps
    Ting Su, Lingling Fan, Sen Chen, Yang Liu, Lihua Xu, Geguang Pu, and Zhendong Su
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2020 (Impact Factor: 6.520), pdf, data [CCF-A].

    An extension of our ICSE'18 paper (won an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award), includes:
    (1) a survey on how app developers analyze, debug/reproduce, detect framework-specific exceptions,
    (2) the reproducibility of existing app testing tools, and
    (3) a comprehensive dataset of android app exception bugs.

  34. Improving Automated GUI Exploration of Android Apps via Static Dependency Analysis
    Wunan Guo, Liwei Shen, Ting Su, Xin Peng and Weiyang Xie
    36th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
    ICSME 2020, pdf [CCF-B].

  35. FREPA: An Automated and Formal Approach to Requirement Modeling and Analysis in Aircraft Control Domain
    Jincao Feng, Weikai Miao, Hanyue Zheng, Yihao Huang, Jianwen Li, Zheng Wang,
    Ting Su, BIn Gu, Geguang Pu, Mengfei Yang, Jifeng He
    28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    FSE/ESEC 2020 (Industry Track), pdf [CCF-A].

  36. An Empirical Assessment of Security Risks of Global Android Banking Apps
    Sen Chen, Lingling Fan, Guozhu Meng, Ting Su, Minhui Xue, Yinxing Xue, Yang Liu, and Lihua Xu
    42st International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2020, pdf [CCF-A].

  37. The Forgotten Case of the Dependency Bugs: On the Example of the Robot Operating System
    Anders Fischer-Nielsen, Zhoulai Fu, Ting Su, Andrzej Wąsowski
    42st International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2020 (SEIP), pdf, video (YouTube).[CCF-A].

  38. Finding and Understanding Bugs in Software Model Checkers
    Chengyu Zhang, Ting Su*, Yichen Yan, Fuyuan Zhang, Geguang Pu and Zhendong Su
    27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    ESEC/FSE 2019, pdf, slides, bug data [CCF-A].
    (*Corresponding author)

  39. Highlights: (1) We found 62 critical bugs in three state-of-the-art software model checkers (CPAchecker, Seahorn and CBMC);
    (2) Searhorn and CBMC have integrated our tests as standard benchmarks.

  40. Wuji: Automatic Online Combat Game Testing Using Evolutionary Deep Reinforcement Learning
    Yan Zheng, Xiaofei Xie, Ting Su, Lei Ma, Jianye Hao, Zhaopeng Meng, Yang Liu, Ruimin Shen, Yinfeng Chen and Changjie Fan
    34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
    ASE 2019, pdf, press [CCF-A].

  41. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award

  42. Deep Differential Testing of JVM Implementations
    Yuting Chen, Ting Su*, Zhendong Su
    The 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2019, pdf [CCF-A].

  43. ReCDroid: Automatically Reproducing Android Application Crashes from Bug Reports
    Yu Zhao, Tingting Yu, Ting Su, Yang Liu, Wei Zheng, Jingzhi Zhang, William G.J. Halfond
    The 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2019, pdf, Tool (ReCDroid) [CCF-A].

  44. StoryDroid: Automated Generation of Storyboard for Android Apps
    Sen Chen, Lingling Fan, Chunyang Chen, Ting Su, Wenhe Li, Yang Liu, Lihua Xu
    The 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2019, pdf [CCF-A].

  45. Are Mobile Banking Apps Secure? What Can be Improved?
    Sen Chen, Ting Su*, Lingling Fan, Guozhu Meng, Minhui Xue, Yang Liu, Lihua Xu
    The 26th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    FSE 2018 (Industry Paper), pdf [CCF-A].
    (*Corresponding author)

  46. Efficiently Manifesting Asynchronous Programming Errors in Android Apps
    Lingling Fan, Ting Su*, Sen Chen, Guozhu Meng, Yang Liu, Lihua Xu, Geguang Pu
    The 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
    ASE 2018 (acceptance rate: 19.9%), pdf [CCF-A].
    (*Corresponding author)

  47. DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity Testing Criteria for Deep Learning Systems
    Lei Ma, Felix Juefei-Xu, Fuyuan Zhang, Jiyuan Sun, Minhui Xue, Bo Li, Chunyang Chen, Ting Su, Li Li, Yang Liu, Jianjun Zhao, and Yadong Wang
    The 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
    ASE 2018 (acceptance rate: 19.9%), pdf, www [CCF-A].

    ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award

  48. Large-Scale Analysis of Framework-Specific Exceptions in Android Apps
    Lingling Fan#, Ting Su#*, Sen Chen, Guozhu Meng, Yang Liu, Lihua Xu, Geguang Pu and Zhendong Su
    The 40th International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2018 (acceptance rate: 20%), pdf, data, slides, bibtex, award, press1, press2 [CCF-A].
    (#Equal Contribution, *Corresponding author)

  49. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award

    Highlights: (1) largest and most comprehensive fault study: collected 8,243 framework-specific exceptions (crashes) from 2,486 open-source Android apps by using Stoat and Github, and analyzed their characteristics, manifestation, and fixes.
    (2) motivated several follow-up research: bug detection, fault localization and patch generation.

  50. From UI Design Image to GUI Skeleton: A Neural Machine Translator to Bootstrap Mobile GUI Implementation
    Chunyang Chen, Ting Su*, Guozhu Meng, Zhenchang Xing and Yang Liu
    The 40th International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2018 (acceptance rate: 20%), pdf, tool (UI2code), press. [CCF-A].
    (*Corresponding author)

  51. SmartUnit: Empirical Evaluations for Automated Unit Testing of Embedded Software in Industry
    Chengyu Zhang, Yichen Yan, Hanru Zhou, Yinbo Yao, Ke Wu, Ting Su*, Weikai Miao and Geguang Pu
    The 40th International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2018 (SEIP), pdf, slides, tool (SmartUnit) [CCF-A].
    (*Corresponding author)

    Highlights: (1) SmartUnit has been applied in several industry-scale embeded control systems, tested millions lines of C code.
    (2) SmartUnit fully automatically supports unit testing for statement, branch, boundary value and MC/DC coverage.

  52. AndroVault: Constructing Knowledge Graph from Millions of Android Apps for Automated Analysis
    Guozhu Meng, Yinxing Xue, Jing Kai Siow, Ting Su, Annamalai Narayanan, Yang Liu
    arXiv, 2018

  53. Guided, Stochastic Model-Based GUI Testing of Android Apps
    Ting Su, Guozhu Meng, Yuting Chen, Ke Wu, Weiming Yang, Yao Yao, Geguang Pu, Yang Liu, Zhendong Su
    The 11th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    FSE 2017 (acceptance rate: 24%), pdf, slides, tool (Stoat), Stoat (Google Site), bibtex, press (in Chinese) [CCF-A].

    Highlights: Stoat has (1) contributted to these popular apps: WeChat (1 bug), Gmail (1 bug), and Google+ (2 bugs). All these bugs were reported and confirmed/fixed.
    (2) tested 6000+ open-source and commercial Android apps in the past one year, and detected 5800+ fatal crashes.
    (3) won Best Research Tool Award (First Prize, pdf) in NASAC 2017 (National Software Application Conference) held by CCF.
    (3) won NTUitive Gap Fund Grant.

    Best (First Place) Research Prototype Tool Award

  54. A Survey on Data-Flow Testing
    Ting Su, Ke Wu, Weikai Miao, Geguang Pu, Jifeng He, Yuting Chen, Zhendong Su
    ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2017 (Impact Factor : 6.748), pdf, data, bibtex [SCI一区]

  55. Automated Coverage-driven Testing: Combining Symbolic Execution and Model Checking
    Ting Su, Geguang Pu, Weikai Miao, Jifeng He, Zhendong Su
    SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2016 (Impact Factor : 1.628, invited paper),

  56. Automated Requirements Validation for ATP Software via Specification Review and Testing
    Weikai Miao, Geguang Pu, Yinbo Yao, Ting Su, Danzhu Bao, Yang Liu, Shuohao Chen and Kunpeng Xiong
    The 18th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
    ICFEM 2016, pdf

  57. FSMdroid: Guided GUI Testing of Android Apps
    Ting Su
    The 38th International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2016, ACM Student Research Competition, pdf, Press

    Golden Medal (First Place) of ACM Student Research Competition

  58. Coverage-Directed Differential Testing of JVM Implementations
    Yuting Chen, Ting Su, Chengnian Sun, Zhendong Su, Jianjun Zhao
    ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
    PLDI 2016 (acceptance rate: 16%), pdf, slides, talk video [CCF-A].

  59. Combining Symbolic Execution and Model Checking for Data Flow Testing
    Ting Su, Zhoulai Fu, Geguang Pu, Jifeng He, Zhendong Su
    37th {IEEE/ACM} International Conference on Software Engineering
    ICSE 2015 (acceptance rate: 18.5%), pdf, ppt, tool (CAUT) [CCF-A].

  60. Fm-QCA: A Novel Approach to Multi-value Qualitative Comparative Analysis
    Ke Wu, Shiping Tang, Geguang Pu, Min Wu, Ting Su
    8th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management
    KSEM 2015, pdf

  61. Automated Coverage-Driven Test Data Generation Using Dynamic Symbolic Execution
    Ting Su, Siyuan Jiang, Geguang Pu, Bin Fang, Jifeng He, Jun Yan, Jianjun Zhao
    Eighth International Conference on Software Security and Reliability
    SERE 2014 (acceptance rate: 30%), pdf, slides

  62. Runtime Verification by Convergent Formula Progression
    Yan Shen, Jianwen Li, Zheng Wang, Ting Su, Bin Fang, Geguang Pu and Wangwei Liu
    21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
    APSEC 2014, pdf

  63. Modeling and Verification of AUTOSAR OS and EMS Application
    Yunhui Peng, Yanhong Huang, Ting Su, Jian Guo
    Seventh International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering
    TASE 2013, pdf

  64. The Semantics and Verification of Timed Service Choreography
    Yongxin Zhao, Hao Xiao, Zheng Wang, Geguang Pu, Ting Su
    International Journal of Computer Mathematics
    IJCM 2013.