Professor, Ph.D. (中文主页)
Software Engineering Institute
East China Normal University (ECNU), China
E-mail: tsu@sei.ecnu.edu.cn (work) / tsuletgo@gmail.com (permanent)
Address: Room B1103, Science Building

Ting Su is a Professor of Software Engineering Institute, East China Normal University, China (2020-). Previously, he was a postdoctoral scholar at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2019-2020), in the group of Prof. Zhendong Su. He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow with Prof. Yang Liu in Cyber Security Lab (CSL), NTU, Singapore (2016-2019). He got his Ph.D in computer science from East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China (2011-2016), and was surpervised by Prof. Jifeng He and Prof. Geguang Pu. He also had one-year visit in University of California, Davis (UCD), USA (2014-2015), and was advised by Prof. Zhendong Su. He also worked as a software engineer intern in Synopsys, and a research scientist in Rolls-Royce@NTU Research Lab (2016-2017). He is a recipient of 国家海外青年人才计划.

His research focuses on developing effective methodologies, techniques and tools to improve software quality, reliability and security.

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His research work received generous support from Chinese/Swiss NSF, NSF, Huawei, ByteDance, Ant Financial, Google, and won several ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards (ICSE×1, ASE×2, ISSTA×1), Google Faculty Research Award, ACM Student Research Competition Awards (First Place in ICSE'16; Second Place in ICSE'21), and Research Prototype Tool Competition Awards (First Places×2: ChinaSoft'23, NASAC'17). His research on symbolic execution has led to SmartRocket Unit, a commercial automated unit testing tool, which is serving many companies in China for testing industrial embedded software; his continuous research on mobile app analysis and fuzzing has led to several tools and dataset (e.g., Stoat (cited 350+) and Themis) and some techniques have been adopted by ByteDance's FastBot fuzzing engine (see more info). He is also maintaining ecnu-sa-lab, a undergraduate/graduate course on teaching software analysis, testing and verification.

I am always looking for well-motivated Postdoc, PhD, Master and Undergraduate students to join our research group. If interested, please feel free to drop me an email attached with your CV.