- 重点研发计划课题 ("基于静态分析及主动学习协同的私有协议逆向", PI, 2022-25)
- 国自然面上项目 ("基于随机性质的移动应用软件功能错误自动化检测技术", PI, 2021-24)
- 字节跳动创新研究项目 ("移动应用软件功能错误的自动化检测技术", PI, 2022-24)
- 华为研究项目 ("切片代码仿真验证技术", PI, 2023-24)
- CCF-蚂蚁科研基金 ("基于测试预言自动化构建的静态分析工具模糊测试技术研究", PI, with co-PI: Chengyu Zhang, 2021-22)
- 字节跳动创新研究项目 ("移动应用软件中系统配置变更引入缺陷的自动化检测技术", PI, 2021-22)
- National Youth Talent Award (2020)
- Swiss NSF Spark Porject ("Property-based Randomized Testing of Mobile Applications", sole PI, 2019-2020)
- Google Faculty Research Award (co-PI, with PI: Zhendong Su, 2019-2020)
- NTUitive Gap Fund ("Cloud-based Mobile App Testing Service", co-PI, NTU, with PI: Yang Liu, 2017-2018)
- 入选华东师范大学理工科“2024年度科技进展”(“功能性质驱动的移动应用软件全自动、强检错测试技术”,负责人,全校共7项)
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ASE 2024)
- 上海市青年五四奖章个人,2023
- 中国软件大会软件研究成果原型系统竞赛一等奖(“一种基于自动机路径分析的 GUI 测试工具诊断分析方法及其基准测试集”),2023
- 中国软件大会软件研究成果原型系统竞赛优胜奖(“面向移动应用软件中数据处理错误的模糊测试方法”),2023
- Worldwide's Top 2% Scientists ranked by Stanford University(世界前2%顶尖科学家), 2022-23
- CCF-蚂蚁科研基金“优秀应用项目”, 2023
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ISSTA 2023)
- CCF Science and Technology Award (面向工业领域的软件形式化建模与自动化测试关键技术及工具国产化应用, 技术发明一等奖, 排名第4,2021)
- Second Place in ACM Student Research Competition (ICSE 2021, Jingling Sun, advisor), ACM, 2021
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ASE 2019)
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ASE 2018)
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ACM, ICSE 2018)
- Nomination for Distinguished PhD Thesis, Selected by China Computer Federation (CCF), 2017
- Best Research Prototype Tool Award (First Place, NASAC 2017), CCF, 2017
- First Place in ACM Student Research Competition (ICSE 2016), ACM, 2016
- Outstanding PhD Thesis Cultivation Sholarship, ECNU, 2016
- ACM SIGSOFT Travel Award (ICSE 2015)
- National Scholarship for Doctorate, China, 2014
- Graduate Student Overseas Visiting Scholarship, ECNU, 2014